Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Successor ng World Territorial Jurisdiction

Secret Book of Redemption of Treaty of Paris
(repost from FB comment)

Ang interim (temporary) Republic ng Aquino Corporate ay Expired at de facto ang status at WALA itong territorial jurisdiction.

Ito ay pagkatapos ng 250 years mula sa 1763-4 Treaty of Paris na ginamit ang Titulo ng INANG BAYAN, ang OCT 01-4 HACIENDA FILIPINA (nakapangalan kay Rajah Luisong ng Maharlika kingdom mula Majapahit Empire at kabilang dito ang Divine Wealth ng INANG BAYAN) ng British Crown at nung 1898 Treaty of Peace ng Corporate America at sila ay nakinabang sa ating Titulo at naging mga imperyo. Nang ibinalik ang Titulo ng Britanya sa Pilipinas incsripted 1965 pagkatapos ng 200 years, muling pinag-extend ito ng 40 + 10 years ng Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Agreement at muling nakinabang ang Sanlibutan sa Divine Wealth hanggang tuluyan itong nag expire sa 2014 after 250 years from 1764 Treaty of Paris.

Ang Successor ng World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA ay RESOLVED na ng Supreme Court Resolution dated November 28, 2012 to Hrh Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine) ng Grandfather Maharlikhan TRIBE, Legitimate DIVINE Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Sovereign Host Nation empowering with IPRA Law (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act) since Time Immemorial (including Bible Codes). Ang Queen of the South din ay 7th great great granddaughter ni Rajah Luisong sa hanay ni Datu Lapulapu. GOD is Owner and shall manifest in Physical Being ( John 4:2) for the ONLY "Miracle of Jonah" (Matt. 12:39-42) for Redemption and regain of sovereignty of World Humanity. Naibaik na ang Titulo ng INANG BAYAN at ang Holder ay ang DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda.
Queen of the South and King Hans

Bilang Successor ng World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S at Redeemer of Treaty of Paris, ang Queen of the South ay may karapatan to appoint the people-chosen Presumptive president Duterte as Prime Minister of NEW Sovereign Republic for the Common good of sovereign Filipino people.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Duterte for World's First Prime Minister

Presumptive President Rodrigo R. Duterte now World's First Prime Minister of New Sovereign Republic declared by Redeemer of Treaty of Paris Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe, Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Holder of Mother Title OCT 01-4S of Motherland HACIENDA FILIPINA in the Treaty of Paris, the Principality of GOD's Ownership of the Universe.

Letter delivered to City Mayor's office, City Administrator's office of Atty. Melchor Quitain, and Duterte Residence on May 19, 2016 from Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Sovereign Host Nation of Grandfather Maharlikhan TRIBE for the Common good of the sovereign Filipino people. 

TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION of Mother Title OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA, the Principality of GOD’s Ownership of the Universe

Ownership of Country’s Mother Title OCT 01-4 (NO Legitimate Heirs as Owner had not yet arrived);

C.C. 3957P Decision with Compromise Agreement (Tallano – Madrigal Acop represented by interim Republic as Administrator)
February 4, 1972:



JUDGEMENT ENTRY G.R. 171913 Tallano and Madrigal Acop of interim Administrator DISMISSED being in wrong mode of appeal;
September 26, 2006:


CEASATION OF THE SEAL AND COAT OF ARMS E.R.D. KFH. submitted by Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi that made the Court of Appeals of Supreme Court release CA-G.R. SP No. 70014
November 27, 2009:


This Renders the CA.GR.SP.70014 DECISION (Tallano – Madrigal Acop represented by Prince Julian Morden Tallano), NULL AND VOID COMPLETE
February 10, 2010:



Philippine Supreme Court RESOLVED the Legitimate Heir of OCT 01-4 ENTRY OF JUDGMENT, RESOLUTION, AND L.O.T. FROM THE SUPREME COURT to Christ prophesied (Matt. 12:42) Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi​ Y Espiritu Santo of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe​, Kingdom Filipina Hacienda:

November 28, 2012:



“ADVISE: Hrh Legaspi or her representative to secure the requested document from the Judgement Division, Judicial Records Office, this Court...”
Requested were Entry of Judgment ng Compromise Agreement, C.C. 3957-P Proceeding
and CA-G.R. SP. No.70014 hand delivered to Queen of the South in Iligan City by PNP official from Manila escorted by NBI.

May 30, 2013:


Case Closed. It is Done.
June 14, 2013:


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL from the Court of Appeals given to HRH Queen Salvacion Legaspi as Proof of the release of Judgment Entry G.R. 171913 Compromise Agreement, CA-G.R. SP No. 70014, and SC Resolution. https://web.facebook.com/MaharlikhanTRIBE/photos/a.802901063106535.1073741875.553383308058313/821711247892183/?type=3&theater

Monday, May 16, 2016



Revelation 17:5
And on her forehead a name was written:


Revelation 17:18
And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.

Jesuit Illuminati in Vatican

Revelation 17:5
These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast.

Revelation 17:17
For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.

Duterte Rally at Crocodile Park, Davao City
including "Kingdom of Jesus Christ" of Pstr. Apollo Quiboloy

Revelation 13:2
And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Expired "banana republic" Corporate BEAST

Revelation 17:14
These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

5 Filipinos standing up for Sovereignty with Legitimate One World DIVINE (Intersellar / Interdimensional Blueprint of God's Divine Plan) Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda of Grandfather Maharlikhan Tribe at Davao City Hall and 250,000+ Duterte supporters for de facto 2016 elections at Crocodile Park.

The Grandfather Maharlikhan Tribe.
then I heard the number of them which were sealed; and there were sealed an hundred and forty four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. (Rev. 7:4 NKJV)

7+ Billion World population / 144,000 = 1:50,000 Ratio.

5 sovereign Pili Pino's (Chosen Finely) for Mayor Duterte as World's first Sovereign Prime Minister for NEW Sovereign Republic.

250,000 biometric registered Filipinos for Mayor Duterte as president in unconstitutional 2016 elections of expired and de facto (ultimate 2014 after 250 years from the 1764 Treaty of Paris) "banana republic" of Aquino / Oligarchs et. al. CORPORATE.

5 x 50,000 = 250,000.

God has overcome.

Zechariah 4:6

So he answered and said to me:

“This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel:

‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’

Says the Lord of hosts.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Stand up for Sovereignty by Rule of Law

Corporate Law vs. Common Law

Legal Name Fraud

"Legal" Corporate Law has NO territorial Jurisdiction.

De Facto Aquino Corporate government

"Lawful" Common Law of sovereign people invokes with territorial jurisdiction.

World Territorial Jurisdiction the Mother Title OCT 01-4S of Motherland HACIENDA FILIPINA in the Treaty of Paris (International Law), the Principality of GOD's Ownership of the Universe is RESOLVED by Philippine Supreme Court Resolution dated November 28, 2012 to Christ prophesied (Matt. 12:39:42) Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine) of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe with Holder DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda empowering with IPRA Law (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act) since Time Immemorial (including Bible Codes) .

Occult World of Commerce and Maritime Admiralty Law

Move of DIVINE Presence:

Matthew 12: 39-42 (Aramaic Bible version)

An evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign and a sign will not be given to it EXCEPT the sign of Jonah the Prophet. For just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, thus The Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. The Ninevite men will arise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, one greater than Jonah is here. The queen of The South will arise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, one (Issa, ISA / ONE) greater than Solomon is here.

Queen of the South 

"...in the Judgement"

Fruit of the Spirit

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Aquino "banana republic" Corporate is Expired and De Facto

Republic of the Philippines is a Corporation - not a Sovereign nation -by Ex-President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino (for expiration of interim territorial jurisdiction/Res Judicata)

Republic of the Philippines Already lost Interim (temporary) Administrative Rights. This makes it DE FACTO, overly-extended "banana republic".

Page 61 of CA-G.R. SP No. 70014

Page 62 of CA-G.R. SP No. 70014

World Territorial Jurisdiction the Mother Title OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA of the Motherland, INANG BAYAN is RESOLVED by Supreme Court Resolution dated November 28, 2012 to Queen of the South Hrh Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine) of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe. GOD is Owner and shall manifest in Physical Being (1 John 4:2).

Filipinos and World Humanity, stand up for SOVEREIGNTY!

From Transitory Provisions, the MOTHER PROVINCE

De Facto Aquino "banana republic" Corporate is Expired.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Open Letter sent to Mayor's office, et. al.

Open Letter sent to offices of Mayor Duterte, City Administrator Atty. Melchor Quitain, 1st District Councilor Mabel S. Acosta received May 5, 2015.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


   A "chosen few" sovereign Filipinos (5 sovereign Filipinos including behind camera)  in front of Davao City Hall in Alignment with Legitimate One World DIVINE Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Holder of World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA with Redeemer of 1764 Treaty of Paris the Christ prophesied Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe, 7th great great granddaughter of Rajah Luisong on the side of Rajah Lapulapu of ancient Maharlika Kingdom from Majapahit Empire, with advocacy Duterte for Prime Minister for a NEW Autonomous Commonwealth Republic.

   Brod Dante from Eskaya Tribe is a construction worker whose knowledge and research on ancient Pilipino Hebrew ancestors heritage and language superseded any mainstream academician I encountered, and chances are the latter is even unaware of it. Brod JayR and his brother (behind camera) manifested the struggles and hopes of their generation; Pastor seemed to be "younger" in spirit.

Meanwhile, a massive rally estimated at 500,000+ (by nightfall) participants for de facto 2016 Presidential Elections of interim (temporary) Republic attended at Crocodile Park on May 7, 2016 of the same day.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Prime Minister Appointment

All awakening sovereign Filipino people for the safety of Filipino Nation under threat and deception by Aquino Corporate syndicate, pls. do each one's part to inform Mayor Duterte that the Christ prophesied Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi with the ONLY Miracle of Jonah (Matt. 12:39-42), Redeemer of Treaty of Paris of DIVINE Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Sovereign Host Nation Holder of Mother Title OCT 01-4S, of Grandfather Maharlikhan TRIBE empowering with IPRA Law (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act) since Time Immemorial (including Bible Codes), will appoint Mayor Duterte as Prime Minister of the New Commonwealth Republic. Everyone encourage the Mayor to accept it for the safety of the sovereign Filipino people and Humanity in GOD's protection.

Then, our Nation shall be Great again.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

OPEN LETTER to Mayor Duterte

ATTENTION sovereign Filipinos especially Duterte supporters. You can post this OPEN LETTER to your timelines, and/or send the Letter to Mayor Duterte as expression of your support that the Mayor assist with the Rising of the Mother Province of DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda of INANG BAYAN and he be made Prime Minister by Rule of Law of Sovereignty.

to stand up for Sovereignty and Align with Holder of World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA.

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte
Office of the City Mayor
San Pedro St., Davao City

Dear Mayor,

In behalf of the awakening Filipino people standing up for sovereignty we request you to Align by Rule of Law and support the Rising of the Mother Nation. After 250 years from the 1764 Treaty of Paris the interim Republic is on de facto status and the World is now on brink of economic meltdown and threatened towards chaos and Godless rule.

The Nation’s Mother Title OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA in the Treaty of Paris is already returned to the Motherland and Resolved to Christ prophesied (Matt. 12:39-42) Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi for the ONLY "Miracle of Jonah".

The interim Republic of previous administrations had not created the Constitutional Transition Government as required by the Philippine Constitution for it did not have territorial jurisdiction. The World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA in the Treaty of Paris, the Principality of GOD’s Ownership of the Universe is already RESOLVED by Supreme Court Resolution dated November 28, 2012 to Queen of the South Hrh Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo, the Owner once lost now Found revealed in Secret Book of Redemption of Treaty of Paris through DIVINE Highlights.

The Queen of the South of Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe of Legitimate One World DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda (KFH) as Holder of World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA and empowering with IPRA Law (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act) since Time Immemorial (including Bible Codes), has now declared GROUND ZERO for Redemption and regain of Sovereignty for World Humanity, in Bgy. New Pala-o, Iligan City, Region 10 the Mother Province in Article XVIII Section 9 of the Philippine Constitution to uphold the Common Law and protect the sovereignty of the Filipino people.

We request Mayor to Align by Rule of Law, to stand up with us for sovereignty and do your part to install the Mother Province by escorting the Queen of the South to the city hall of Iligan, Region 10 and help Rise the Mother Province of DIVINE Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda in the LAND OF PROMISE that will open the Mother Account and for Redemption of Humanity with the Redeemer of Treaty of Paris by writing off world debt and thus prevent threats of global economic meltdown and World Destruction; and regain of World Humanity's Sovereignty.

Then, the Nation of the PILIPINO will become the World's most blessed, and most benevolent for World Humanity. Seek first the Kingdom of GOD (Matt. 6:33). The Kingdom is within in GOD's righteousness, and those who find it will lead them to the legitimate Divine Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda, so that “all these things shall be added” unto us.

In Alignment by Rule of Law of Sovereignty with DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Holder of OCT 01-4S, the Queen of the South HRM Salvacion Legaspi may appoint you as Prime Minister of the NEW Autonomous Commonwealth Republic for the Common good of Filipino sovereignty. The Queen of the South is willing to communicate with you.

GOD Bless Us. Thank you very much.

Sincerely Yours,

(Your Name / Signature)
A sovereign Filipino

Monday, May 2, 2016

FREE T-Shirt Design with Duterte for Prime Minister

Duterte for Prime Minister by RULE OF LAW of Sovereignty

ATTENTION awakening Duterte supporters.

Print your own T-Shirts anywhere with this design and advocate for the Mayor to be made PRIME MINISTER by RULE OF LAW of Sovereignty in Alignment with Legitimate DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda Sovereign Host Nation. It is two sets of designs on a single sized paper so you can print shirts with it at half the price on any printing shop using heat-pressed computerized printing.

Attached is the FAQ so you will have basic information to answer people's questions and help awaken them also so that they too will stand up for Sovereignty.


Why Mayor Duterte?

Mayor may not be perfect but compared to others he has the principle and the bravery to defend the Country from vile agendas and conspiracies both outside and inside against the sovereign Filipino people and the Motherland, INANG BAYAN.

What is the real status of the interim (temporary) Republic of Aquino Corporate?

Read here:

The Mother Nation Arises.
By; Sir Onin Neri

The Republic of the Philippines is a government system installed by the corporate U.S.A. and was only exercising jurisdiction over our sovereign land. Now gone after the 10 year final transition period since 2004, the territorial agreement had completely expired last 2014. The Republic of the Philippines lost its rights and is now on a state of anarchy and must ratify our constitution and must return all the rights to sovereignty according to the Treaty of Paris (Article1 Section1. National Territory. 1935 Constitution). 
Our real sovereignty is virtually kept intact in the Treaty of Paris original set of documents where it states that it must establish a sovereign nation to be the recipient host government after the constitutional ratification from the previous government who exercised jurisdiction in our country. 
That's the real reason why the RP can't reclaim the Spratlys, Sabah and all the disputed lands because it does not hold the land rights, as the land rights only belong to the Treaty of Paris in which the new sovereign nation is holding. And that is why BBL is very unconstitutional because it has to request autonomy from the sovereignty after ratification and not from the expired government. 
So if we truly want to restore our being a Filipino citizen, we should claim and stand for our sovereign rights. We must be resilient and united to become a sovereign Filipino once again. 
Right now there are 2 nations existing in our country, one is the expired Republic of the Philippines and the other one is the legitimate Kingdom Filipina Hacienda, an Autocratic Sovereign Monarchy, self-empowered with Divine Providence by the Treaty of Paris, Philippine Constitution and the IPRA Law. Though names may evolve, KFH was derived from the Treaty of Paris Original Certificate of Title 01-04 which at the same time empowers the primacy of the native rights of the indigenous people - the IPRA Law or the R.A. 8371. 
Republic of the Philippines under the Supreme Court proceeding Judgment Entry of the "Separate" Decision with Compromise Agreement to continue its administration is declared Null and Void Forever. Now it's in the hands of Kingdom Filipina Hacienda - Holder of the successor-in-interest of the Fee Simple Title of the Original Certificate of Title No. 01-4 of the Torrens System decided case in 1764. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda is the Transition Host Government. Mother Province of Article XVIII Section 9. Transitory Provisions of the 1987 Constitution. 
The RP government officials must review this position thoroughly, must align with the rule of law and must stand for the rights of our people and not for the corporate government system which is not even a person in itself. 
We can no longer tolerate too much ignoring, abuse, exploitation and corruption in front of us. We have to stand on our ground. We own our land, we the sovereign Filipino people and the Maharlikhans, especially to the people of Iligan City and Region 10, since we belong to the Capital City and Mother Province of the new sovereign nation, according to the Treaty of Paris, page 51. 
Once the RP respects the rule of law and ratify our constitution, and relinquish its rights to the sovereignty, our Queen will then appoint a worthy Prime Minister, and we all help advance our nation as we automatically become the richest nation, as we can finally activate the sovereign wealth allocated to the host government secretly locked in all the central banks and local banks in the world, with infinite amount of value plus annual interests, backed by our vast amount of precious metals collected from our rich natural resources since time immemorial.

Why Prime Minister?

Prime Minister is the better position than president for the Autonomous NEW Sovereign Commonwealth REPUBLIC because it will eliminate the need for vice president, senate, congress presently infiltrated with de facto Corporates financed HOCUS PCOS anomaly that will only be venue for corruption, thus the financial funding from the Host Govt. will be efficiently channeled. With the Mother Account opened the Mother Province will issue the World’s strongest gold backed currency to rebuild our Motherland, Restore back the Mother Planet to Paradise, and bring Heaven on Earth for GOD “shall wipe all tears from our eyes” (Rev. 21:4) as one’s Heart of Gold is the True Wealth of the Motherland, INANG BAYAN.

What is by Rule of Law?

As a lawyer the Mayor will know the difference between Corporate Law and Common Law. Corporate Law protects the interest of Corporates but not the interest of sovereign Filipino people, and it has NO territorial jurisdiction. Common Law protects the interest of sovereign Filipino people and is invoked with territorial jurisdiction.

World Territorial Jurisdiction the Mother Title OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA is already RESOLVED by Supreme Court Resolution dated November 28, 2012 to Christ prophesied (Matt. 12:39-42) Queen of the South Hrh Salvacion Legaspi Y Espiritu Santo (Divine Feminine) of Grandfather Maharlikhan TRIBE, the Redeemer revealed through Divine highlights in the Secret Book of Redemption of Treaty of Paris and Queen Regent of Legitimate DIVINE Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda, Holder of Mother Title OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA in the Treaty of Paris. DIVINE Govt. KFH empowers with IPRA Law (Indigenous Peoples Rights Act) since Time Immemorial (as far as memory recalls), including Bible Codes.

In the Local Government Code the Barangay is now the most powerful political unit over the de facto office of president of Aquino Corporate. The First Tribunal Barangay was already declared at Bgy. Pala-o in iligan City in the White Palace of the Queen of the South and this is the GROUND ZERO for Redemption and regain of Sovereignty of World Humanity. This is where Mayor Duterte and supporters should go.

The Filipino people especially Duterte supporters must stand up for sovereignty by Rule of Law, with Grace of GOD and inform the Mayor to uphold the Common Good for the Filipino people's sovereign interest (rather than for interest of Oligarch / Corporates) and for him to assist in peacefully escorting the Queen of the South to Iligan City hall and take over its corrupt mayor of Expired and de facto Aquino “banana republic” Corporate to Rise the Mother Province (Iligan City, Region 10 in the Land of Promise found in Secret Book of Redemption of Treaty of Paris) of DIVINE Govt. Kingdom Filipina Hacienda as provided in Article XVIII Section 9 in the Transitory provisions of the Philippine Constitution for Constitutional Transition Government.

Iligan City, Region 10 in the LAND OF PROMISE found on page 51
of the Secret Book of Redemption of Treaty of Paris.

Then, with the protocol followed the Mother Account shall be opened and with the Redeemer of Treaty of Paris the world debt will be written off and thus prevent Corporate Slavery (Biometric 666), Destruction (WW3/ Wrath of GOD) with the ONLY “Miracle of Jonah” as prophesied by Christ (Matt. 12:39-42) with something “greater than Jonah, greater than Solomon” and activate the sovereign wealth allocated to the Host Government KFH - ASM secretly locked in all the central banks and local banks in the world, with infinite amount of value plus annual interests, backed by our vast amount of precious metals collected from our rich natural resources since time immemorial, for Redemption and regain of Sovereignty for Filipinos and Planetary Humanity.

Having done the Patriotic duty of Rising the Legitimate DIVINE Government of INANG BAYAN over the Expired and de facto "banana republic" of Aquino Corporate, Mayor Duterte can be made Prime Minister for his people with the NEW Sovereign Commonwealth REPUBLIC by Rule of Law of Sovereignty in Alignment with the DIVINE Host Govt. KFH, even without de facto and corrupt officials placed in position by the unconstitutional Corporates financed 2016 Hocus Pcos Elections that are already criminal activities.

Then, this Nation shall be Great again.

What is Kingdom Filipina Hacienda?

DIVINE Government Kingdom Filipina Hacienda – Autocratic Sovereign Monarchy is the Holder of the Mother Title OCT 01-4S HACIENDA FILIPINA in the Treaty of Paris, the Principality of GOD’s Ownership of the Universe. As Holder of World Territorial Jurisdiction OCT 01-4S it is the Legitimate Constitutional Transition Government as the status of Philippine Republic is interim (temporary).

Autocratic Sovereign Monarchy is different from the de facto hierarchical monarchy based on physical lineage for it is more spiritual in character. Sovereign Monarchy is leadership in reference to the Grandfather MAHARLIKHAN Tribe of the Noble, Free people who Self Empower and Self Govern with GOD as Supreme whom the Queen seeks and who are now scattered around the World and characterize Sovereignty in spirit for they shall manifest to Rise the DIVINE Government KFH of Planetary Humanity for its millennial reign of a thousand years based on the Biblical prophecy as Humanity enters the exciting new chapter towards Interstellar Civilization.


FILIPINA for MAHARLIKHA (Noble / Free People) is with Motherland Host of Mother Planet’s DIVINE Wealth, and as SOVEREIGN people shall exercise Self Empowerment and Self Governance